Ad Management
Success story


The Gator Corporation needed a high-quality online media delivery technology and chose ValueAd for its outstanding, customized solutions.

"AdXpress is easy to use, and ValueAd's customization has helped us tremendously," said Mitchell Weisman, senior vice president, finance and business development.

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As we mentioned, there is much more raw data available to you during the campaign. We generate raw data on an hourly basis and AdXpress analyzers generate numerous data sets and reports.

Here are a few to consider:
  • All of the advertiser’s ad campaigns and creatives
  • All sites, zones, places and locations per request
  • All campaigns per request
  • All of the ads in a campaign
AdXpress analyzers will expertly turn that data into actionable information that you will be able to easily manipulate and make the critical decisions needed for your successful campaign. ValueAd AdXpress offers a Raw Data Processing Robot (RDPR) that is at your fingertips.

Based on output of RDPR, ValueAd clients should optimize their campaign by using optimization tools.

Learn more about On-the-fly Optimization.